Business Natives is a specialized consulting company that provides support for your market entry and sales growth in German-speaking countries, especially in Austria.

We plan your company’s market entry, develop a strategy for it and implement it consistently. Our activities range from the initial market analysis to details such as the localization of your business documents and the acquisition of strategic partners and new customers in your company’s target country.

Our offering is as distinct as our individual clients are. There’s no cookie cutter approach with one size fits all services. You will receive a custom tailored solution based on your needs, strategic priorities and goals. Below you’ll find a selection of services that we offer to our clients as building blocks for your perfect expansion strategy.

A selection of our offered services:

  • Market and competition research and analysis for your target market
  • Joint planning and execution of your expansion, leveraging our existing networks in multiple countries.
  • Consulting on access to government aid and promotion programs for your projects on national as well as EU wide levels.
  • High quality localization of your website, informational material, sales collateral, etc. by native speakers (German, English, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Romanian,…)
  • Building distribution channels – Acquisition of critical key accounts and initiation of strategic partnerships in your new target market
  • Complete buildup of required infrastructure for your company – tax consulting, legal counsel, real estate search…

We will also function as distribution subsidiary for Central and Eastern Europe for select enterprises and partners.

Contact us

The listed services are just a partial representation of our offering. We will be happy to discuss custom solutions and services with you personally to discuss and plan your company’s success in Austria, Germany or Czech Republic.